Friday, July 17, 2009

Two Weeks Before We Leave...

July 17, 2009-Melissa and I leave for our three week sojourn to Saint-Raphael and the French Riviera TWO weeks from tomorrow!!I am so looking forward to this great trip!
We will be staying at Elisabeth's Baugier's home, which is at We are swappping homes, as we "met" through
I first emailed her on April 3rd to see if she would like to swap with me. The next morning she responded, "Yes, why not come to Boston?" She went on to say that she had a "pen writer" (pen pal), but they had lost touch. Her next email included her pen pal's name and address. Luckily Linda Doucette had not moved from Townsend, so on Saturday at 9AM, I called and said, "Linda, this is Debbie Toppan, and you're not going to believe why I'm calling!" She was certainly plenty surprised! It turns out that Linda's paratrooper father had been invited to go home with Elisabeth's dad when they met during WW2. For many years Elisabeth's grandmother wrote to Linda's parents.
Elisabeth arrives next Thursday, so we will have a week together to get to know each other. And Linda and her mother and husband and Elisabeth will finally meet next Saturday! (I met Linda and her mother Rosanne for lunch in May, and we had a delightful visit!)

1 comment:

  1. OK, Deb, think I have managed this! Already the story is full of wonder. I hope you and Mellisa are having a lovely preparation time. Have you read The Art of Pilrimage? Sounds like you - full of the readiness to encounter serendipities. ...........see you while I am "on travel in lovely New England" jeanie
